
The Case For Leather’s Sustainability.

The debate around leather and its case for sustainability has been raging on for years. Though there are always two sides to a coin, we’re here to unravel a narrative that looks at leather for all its practical virtues. Leather is an enduring material and has been an essential part of the fashion world. Let’s take a little journey to understand a perspective that celebrates leather.

It’s a By-Product

It is not manufactured from petroleum and plastic like PVC/PU. It is merely conserved and treated, to make it usable for generations to come. On the contrary, PU only lasts a few years and then ends up in landfills, where it takes centuries to degrade, polluting the ground.

It Lasts

There can be no doubt about leather’s durability and longevity. Unlike its synthetic counterparts, which often degrade within 2 years, a meticulously crafted leather piece lasts a lifetime. Remember that leather briefcase your father carried to his office? Chances are they were handed down to him and still had an air of elegance. That’s the other great thing about leather – it ages gracefully. Like fine wine, it only gets better with age. And as a means to reduce our consumption, leather fits well within the school of thought that promotes the idea – buy less, buy better.

It’s Biodegradable

The ability of leather to biodegrade cannot be overstated. While synthetic leather persists in the environment for centuries, genuine leather that is treated and tanned using traditional methods is naturally biodegradable. At the end of its life cycle, once it has been used, loved and been a trusted companion to its user, leather goes back to the Earth with minimal ecological footprint. All it leaves behind are fond memories of owning it.

It’s Tanned

Tanning techniques have evolved over the years to become eco-friendly. Innovations in chemistry allow us to use tannins which are sustainable and do not cause any harm to the environment or the user. All our products are compliant with the latest and strictest EU, North American and Indian regulations. Effluents are treated and then discharged so no harm is done to the ecosystem.

It Treasures Craftsmanship

Age-old techniques are kept alive through the craftsmanship that goes into making leather goods. It supports artisanal communities, uplifts local economies and pays tribute to traditions that create beautiful works of art. Purchasing a piece of finely crafted leather is therefore an investment in sustainability and a homage to craftsmanship.

Leather with its many virtues thus makes a strong case for sustainability. It is the quintessence of elegance, durability and ecological mindfulness. So, the next time you purchase a leather bag, do so knowing that you are making a choice that honours tradition, style and sustainability. Now isn’t that a fashion statement that’s truly timeless?